• Millennials Audience for Sustainable tourism digital marketing Eco Africa Digital Marketing Agency for Tourism and Hospitality

How to Attract Millennials with Online Messaging for Sustainable Tourism: 6 Content Pillars

Posted by Lizanne on Thu August 1, 2024 in Digital Marketing for Tourism.

What marketing messages do Millennials respond to best when considering their next travel destination? Learn more about how Eco Africa Digital considered and created the key content pillars for our client (and how you can too).

Millennials Expect Meaningful Travel Experiences

Millennials crave unique, authentic, and culturally rich travel experiences, often preferring exotic and meaningful destinations over the well-trodden paths. For them, travel is a right and an essential part of their identity, not just another item on a bucket list. This insight was clear from Eco Africa Digital's research, identifying Millennials as the ideal audience for our client, Saruni Basecamp, a luxury tourism brand focused on sustainable travel and cultural immersion in Kenya’s Masai Mara and Samburu regions.


Aligning Values of Environmental Impact and Sustainability

Millennials are highly principled, with 83% in the US valuing brands that align with their personal values. This generation is particularly attentive to sustainability and environmental impact, unlike older generations who may not resonate as deeply with these messages. Therefore, we crafted a digital content strategy that emphasizes these core values to attract Millennials effectively (Source).

Authenticity & Experiences Over Material Things

“Pics or it didn’t happen!” This popular millennial refrain highlights their emphasis on experiences over possessions. With about 65% of Millennials saving up for a trip, it’s crucial to understand this principle when marketing to them (Source). Your content should showcase real people having authentic experiences, allowing your Millennial audience to envision themselves in those moments.

Focusing on user-generated content is also vital, as 60% of consumers rate it as the most authentic. Millennials frequently seek word-of-mouth and online reviews to inform their decisions, so brands that prominently feature user-generated content demonstrate authenticity and reliability (Source).

6 Content Pillars to Attract Millennials to Sustainable Tourism Products

To align Saruni Basecamp’s offerings with Millennial values, we focused on the following content pillars (Source):

  • 1) Authenticity and Experiences Over Things: Showcase genuine travel experiences.
  • 2) Highlight Authentic Cultural Experiences: Emphasize the local culture and traditions.
  • 3) Emphasize Sustainability and Community Involvement: Demonstrate commitment to environmental and social responsibility.
  • 4) Showcase Personalized and Unique Travel Packages: Offer tailored travel experiences.
  • 5) Provide Peace of Mind About Luxurious Accommodations and Ease of Travel: Ensure comfort and convenience.
  • 6) Focus on Mental Health and Relaxation: Highlight opportunities for rejuvenation and wellness.

Concepts for Sustainable Tourism Marketing

Drawing on 20 years of tourism marketing experience, creative input from our talented team, and insights from ChatGPT, we developed the following campaign concepts for Saruni Basecamp:

Concept 1: "Journey into the Heart of Africa"

Campaign Focus: Highlight the immersive and authentic African experiences at Saruni Basecamp, emphasizing cultural connections, adventure, and personal transformation.


"Discover Your Wild Side at Saruni Basecamp"
"Embrace Adventure in the Heart of Africa"
"Unveil Africa’s Secrets at Saruni Basecamp"
"Find Yourself in Africa’s Wilderness"
"Saruni Basecamp: Where Stories Come to Life"


Concept 2: "Eco-Luxury in the Wilderness"

Campaign Focus: Showcase Saruni Basecamp's luxurious amenities and commitment to sustainability, appealing to Millennials who value both comfort and eco-conscious travel.


"Luxury Meets Sustainability at Saruni"
"Saruni: The Ultimate Eco-Luxury Escape"
"Indulge in Nature, Sustainably"
"Discover Eco-Luxury in Africa’s Heart"
"Unwind in Eco-Friendly Elegance"


Concept 3: "Soulful Safaris"

Campaign Focus: Emphasize the transformative and soulful experiences at Saruni Basecamp, highlighting wildlife encounters, serene landscapes, and personal growth.


"Awaken Your Soul with Saruni Safaris"
"Experience the Magic of Soulful Safaris"
"Saruni: Where Wildlife Meets Wellness"
"Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery"
"Soulful Safaris: More Than Just a Journey"

These concepts and taglines aim to deeply resonate with Millennials, tapping into their desire for unique, meaningful, and eco-conscious travel experiences. By focusing on authenticity, sustainability, and personal transformation, we position Saruni Basecamp as the ultimate destination for Millennial travelers seeking more than just a trip – they seek an experience that aligns with their values and enhances their lives.



By understanding the unique preferences and values of Millennials, we can create powerful, targeted marketing campaigns that attract this influential demographic. At Eco Africa Digital, we specialize in crafting digital strategies that not only drive engagement but also foster a deep connection between travelers and sustainable tourism establishments. 

Read More:

Explore our further insights on sustainable tourism marketing and why millennials are the ideal target market. Discover how we can help your business thrive.

Further Reading

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